Saturday, November 21, 2009

Free Stuff Website That Actually Works!!!

Hey guys, for my first blog I wanted to start with a bang!! So here you go. We all like to shop right? Well what would be better than shopping? Shopping for free, I would think, right. One of the best websites I have found for getting free stuff is the one in this link , either click or copy and paste. . Basically all you have to do is click on a few ads, do some surveys or play games. What happens is you earn points for everything you do. The points are good for anything, let me say that again, ANYTHING sold on Amazon. You want to get a PS3 for your kid, ok, earn the points and it is yours for free. In my blog you will not find any crap, I will lead you all to websites I have used and still use personally. This is one of the best. If you have free time, or just like to kill time on the internet this one is a winner. I give it 4 stars on my scale of sucky to great. Oh by the way the link I just gave you , if you sign up and do your first offer of clicking on some ads you will get 250 points for not doing anything! So don't say you can't get what you want anymore because you can't afford it, if you earn the points you can have it. My favorite thing I have gotten so far was a signed copy of President Obama's autobiography. So have at it folks, this is a good one. Coming in the next blog, well you will just have to wait and see.